I've also experienced 'ghost' hotkeys in some other cases. Here it happens with 
certain modeling operators, let's say when M or R is pressed after extruding, 
Maya tries to switch the worskpace to modeling or rigging, something like that 
- for now I'm not completely sure about "procedure'', which by the way leads to 
dismantled interface, not to certain workspace suddenly requested by Maya (not 
me...).  While I'm pretty sure I do not have any hotkey related to workspaces. 
Thanks for posting this, at least I know I'm not alone :).
Regarding constraints, IK and 'famous'' pairBlend node, somehow got everything 
smoother by avoiding Maya constraints, IK and especially pairBlend thing as 
much as possible, trying to replace them as much by simple nodal setups, 
something like bunch of ''remap value'' nodes, driven by position of locator, 
or even a part of 2 bone IK chain driven only by node setup (still using orient 
constrain for global orientation of IK chain) - but, yeah, this really is not a 
solution for quick setups.The way how pairBlend is implemented, by deleting the 
node, once there is no animated blend, makes it completely and definitively 
unusable for quick setups.Also, only no scripted way to safely copy - paste a 
part of rig, seems to be saving the copy of scene, deleting everything else, 
checking out are all necessary nodes still in place (as deleting can take 
unwanted parts of networks) - and finally, copying back into original scene. 
So, yeah, yet another one, unusable for quick work.
      From: "Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES II]" <j.ponthi...@nasa.gov>
 To: "softimage@listproc.autodesk.com" <softimage@listproc.autodesk.com> 
 Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 11:50 PM
 Subject: What were they thinking....
 <!--#yiv7657686284 _filtered #yiv7657686284 {font-family:"Cambria 
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{margin-bottom:0in;}#yiv7657686284 ul {margin-bottom:0in;}-->Having been 
requested to do a project that would be best suited to do in Maya because of 
some of the features Maya provides by default, namely fluids, I have been using 
Maya several weeks for the first time in a really long while.    I thought I 
would share, especially from a Softimage perspective, apparently Maya has some 
hidden hotkeys and some hidden commands associated to existing hotkeys that did 
not exist in the past.    1.      Z key executes Undo.  a.      Its supposed to 
be Ctrl-Z, not Z, but apparently Z by itself does the same thing b.     As a 
former Softimage user, prone to hitting the Z key very often, I’ve been hitting 
this key a lot this week. c.      This command is documented, at least its 
searchable in the hot key editor. d.     The command is redundant and 
inconsistent and makes it to easy to undo something. e.     It has the 
potential to bite you by undoing your work without your knowledge.    2.      
Ctrl-V executes a scene read, of the currently saved scene into the existing 
scene a.      This happens if you are in the outliner b.     Its basically the 
equivalent of import scene c.      It uses the current scene name as the import 
d.     If the scene is previously saved it will add a copy of the scene into 
the existing scene e.     I was in outliner, renaming groups for a massively 
large scene, in excess of 40000 objects, I forgot to double click an item in 
the outliner to initiate the rename of the object name, now it is reading 
another 40,000+ objects into my scene. It will be tomorrow before I can salvage 
it, if at all... f.       This command is undocumented, the hot key editor 
provides no context for this behavior related to the outliner.    3.      This 
occurs in Maya 2017. I am sure there are other insanities like this lurking. Be 
warned….       Joey ------
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