Wow, been a while for me but... Don't use Emit On Surface and instead bring
in the mesh, plug it into a get data (set to point position) then plug that
into an Add Point node. That's bare bones so you'll need to init some
variables for simulation... Ie. Mass, size, shape, etc

*written with my thumbs

On Fri, Sep 6, 2019, 8:29 AM Kris Rivel <> wrote:

> Trying to make a long exposure effect of a stick of LEDs twirling around.
> Have a nice animated grid of strands flying around and it looks great.
> Problem is the particles generating the strands are just emitting on a grid
> and stick to their emit location so they're not lined up nicely on the
> emitter. They're just spread around randomly. Hoping I can keep this but
> only generate one particle per point...but keep the "simulation" working so
> I can turbulize it etc. and keep my generate strand trails which only seems
> to work on simulated particles, not a simple "add point" on empty cloud
> setup. Any ideas?
> Kris
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