
No, don't use getServletContextName().  Besides being optional, it
doesn't necessarily related to a path on the disk.  For that matter,
don't use the disk path approach anyhow, as things get quirky /
fragile for users running packed WARs.  There are a couple of
alternatives, one using the classpath and one using the
ServletContext#getResource approach.

The classpath one is the standard Java classpath resource lookup
mechanism: in your class, do
getClass().getResource("path.to.your.resource") -- in a webpp, this
will automatically use the webapp's specific classloader by default,
so if you have a config file in WEB-INF/lib or WEB-INF/classes, it
will get picked up.  (And conveniently, one could specify server-wide
Solr defaults in a higher classloader like the common server one).

The ServletContext one is very similar: use ServletContext.getResource
with the same path semantics, and a resource anywhere under your
webapp root will be fetched.

To compare / contrast the two: the ServletContext approach depends on
a servlet container, i.e. is hard to use and test from a command-line
utility.  It also doesn't provide the hierarchical defaulting
mechanism as easily as the classpath one.  On the flip side, some
people only like to have classes on the classpath in the name of
"neatness" although in reality, there are a lot of things (for example
DTD, XSD spec files) on the classpath at runtime.

If you need a more concrete example of how to do this, I'll be glad to
provide one.


On 4/18/06, Yonik Seeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/18/06, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (or does ServletContext.getServletContextName() not do what I think i
> > remember it doing)
> Unfortunately not.... the javadoc says it comes from the web.xml
>  java.lang.String       getServletContextName()
>           Returns the name of this web application corresponding to
> this ServletContext as specified in the deployment descriptor for this
> web application by the display-name element.
> -Yonik

Yoav Shapira
Nimalex LLC
1 Mifflin Place, Suite 310
Cambridge, MA, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / www.yoavshapira.com

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