On 10/24/06 7:22 AM, "Bertrand Delacretaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/24/06, Yonik Seeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> ...I imagine this would just be for explicitly passed parameters?...
> I think so, the defaults would be re-applied anyway, if the client
> makes another request with the same parameters.
> -Bertrand

The defaults can change, especially if the client saves results.
If possible, you want to return a full context for the results.

Ultraseek has had XML results for several years and a full query
context would have been useful in several situations. The Ultraseek
result format targeted a different problem, returning enough info
to calculate a global IDF across multiple collections and re-score
the combined results.


The Java client library for Ultraseek (XPA) does keep a local results
cache and uses the query plus the query context as a key.

Walter Underwood
Search Guru, Netflix
Former Ultraseek Architect

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