: Probably. Unless you previously set your custom loader to be the
: thread's context class loader. If you do that, you'd have to ensure
: that your loader is aware of the context classpath (which could be
: accomplished by making it a child of the old context class loader).
: Otherwise, you might break other code which also uses this loader.

I'm already making sure the new loader uses
Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() as it's parent ... but it
never occured to me that we could call Thread.setContextClassLoader ...
even then it gets confusing, because there will probably be a lot more
threads using the Class then the one that loaded the configs (and the
plugin classes) ... but i suppose we could call
Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader in SolrCore.execute ... or
even SolrCore.getSolrCore ...

...but again, i'm not sure if that would be an abomination or not.


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