: >> 1. Adding fuzzy to the DisMax specs.
: >
: > What do you envisage the implementation looking like?
: Probably continue with the template-like patterns already there.
:   title^2.0   (search title field with boost of 2.0)
:   title~      (search title field with fuzzy matching)

Interesting idea ... that's really a seperate idea from "Phonetic" search
right? ... fuzzy searching (ala: FuzzyQuery) is really a seperate beast
from phonetics (which i assume would best be implimented using your second
idea of a new TokenFilter)

I'm all in favor of both ideas ... but i wonder if adding fuzzy support to
dismax would be better done with a new param similar to "pf" (ie "ff" for
fuzzy fields and "fslop" for the min similaity)

: Still, it seems like others might want to use a phonetic token
: filter with the <filter> specs. I'd be glad to contribute that,
: if others think it would be useful.

yeah .. you may want to just write a generic Lucene TokenFilter that does
the phonetics, submit it as a page to Lucene-Java and then it's triial to
whip up a TokenFilterFactory to use it in Solr.


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