: > "ant nightly" currenlty includes servlet-api-2.4.jar in the lib dir .. but
: > we don't have any license for it .. we should probably just be
: > supressing it from the release correct? (it's only for compilation as i
: > recall)
: I grabbed this jar from Tomcat, and looking at the source, it's ASF licensed.

should we be specifying the liscences of all the jars we include in the
releases lib dir, even if they are ASF? ... of is that assumed?

(ignore my comment about supressing it -- i mnt in the binary builds, but
then i realized binary build is a misnomer -- we still need to include
everything that's in the source build, they just *also* contain the binary
build artifacts)

: > doc suggests we should, but i also seem to remember someone saying that
: > policy had changed recently.
: docs seem to say so... but most other projects don't seem to follow this.

I was just getting confused about the whole "copyright notice" in every
file vs the "liscence header" in every file change ...

: I'd rather not put it in every single config file, but the docs
: suggest that anything significant needs it.

yeah ... better safe then sorry.

: > is our MANIFEST file "standards compliant" ??
: I'd accept a patch from someone that knows how to do this easily in ant...

I don't even know what it means for a MANIFEST to be standards compliant
... i've never relaly paid much attention to them.


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