On 11/20/06, Walter Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Even without a crawler, we must work with caches and load balancers.
I will be using Solr with a load balancer in production. If Solr is
a broken HTTP server, we will have to build something else.

Agree.  Every instance of Solr in CNET that serves websites is behind
a load balancer.
I don't know the config details of the loadbalancers though, except
that part of it is the LB checking for the existence of a
server-enabled file.  That allows administrators to remove the file
and still bring up a Solr instance w/o live traffic hitting it.

Solr does nothing with this file except display "enabled" or "disabled".
From solrconfig.xml:
   <!-- configure a healthcheck file for servers behind a loadbalancer
   <healthcheck type="file">server-enabled</healthcheck>


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