: > We may want to move stuff arround on the site so a relative link can work
: > better.
: We could generate "docs" under "site" and that would fix the problem.
: Or are you thinking of moving everything in the real site under
: another directory so that docs could be ../docs ?

i was just thinking that if on the live site, we created "api" directly in
the main site directory (whatever it's called) then the relative link of
"./api/index.html" would work fine for the site navigation (and would work
with what i added to the "package" target today)

i'm not really sure why the current realtive link is "./docs/api/"

(Hmmmm... it looks like my change caused a whole copy of the site to pe
put in /www/incubator.apache.org/solr/docs by the last run on the nightly


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