: Ideally, I would like to have a parameter similar to defaultOperator,
: like defaultQueryType which can take on values PREFIXQUERY, PHRASEQUERY
: in which case the query string won't be parsed by QueryParser and will
: interpreted as a prefix query.  E.g., assume I have
: <solrQueryParser defaultQueryType="PREFIXQUERY"/> in my schema.xml

I'm not sure how generally usefull that would be ... the defaultOperator
is just that: a default, people can still be explicit on a per query
basis -- but what you are describing would fundementally change the way
the request handler interpreted simple words, with no way for clients to
indicate when they truely just want a term query.

which is not to say that i don't see any benefit from an API like the one
you desribe: it just seems like it would make more sense as a custom
RequesetHandler that interpretes it's input differently -- not as a low
level schema option.


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