
Sorry 'bout that. You're right, Rails is too large to inject in like this. I've removed the svn:externals setting, and added an ignore for vendor/rails. If folks want to work on the Rails edge as I do, do this:

        rake rails:freeze:edge

It's already a built-in Rakefile feature :)


On Jan 14, 2007, at 5:04 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:
I don't want to discourage all the cool Runyness that's going on right now
... but because of the svn:externals property set on
client/ruby/flare/vender a simple "svn checkout" of the Solr trunk is
pretty damn big.  Perhaps it would be better if the Rails trunk was
fetched as a a build time dependency of the Flare build file ... can you
do svn operations in a Rakefile?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/lucene/solr$ du -sh .
77M     .
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/lucene/solr$ du -sh *
20K     build.xml
16K     CHANGES.txt
53M     client
9.6M    example
28K     KEYS.txt
1.7M    lib
16K     LICENSE.txt
4.0K    NOTICE.txt
8.0K    README.txt
2.4M    site
11M     src
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/lucene/solr$ du -sh client/ruby/flare/vendor/rails/
39M     client/ruby/flare/vendor/rails/


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