: "....Solr now looks in ./solr/conf for config, ./solr/data for data
:      configurable via solr.solr.home system property..."
: ??
: Is "system property" is really <system-property ... /> tag in web.xml file?
: Or I have to define sime environment var with name "solr.solr.home"?

it's a system property that can be defined using whatever means your
servlet container lets you define system properties before loading web
applications ... i don't know much about the Sub Servlet Container, but
assuming it's pure java, and you have a shell script somewhere that start
it like this...

    java ... com.sun.SomeMainClass

you can pass system proeprties on the comamnd line like this...

    java -Dsolr.solr.home=/your/path ... com.sun.SomeMainClass.


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