then all is fine and dandy ... but what happens if someone tries to
configure a plugin with the name "admin" ... now all of the existing admin
pages break.

that is exactly what you would expect to happen if you map a handler
to /admin.  The person configuring solrconfig.xml is saying "Hey, use
this instead of the default /admin.  I want mine to make sure you are
logged in using my custom authentication method."  In addition, It may
be reasonable (sometime in the future) to implement /admin as a
RequestHandler.  This could be a clean way to address SOLR-58  (xml
with stylesheets, or JSON, etc...)

also: what happens a year from now when we add some completely new
Servlet/ServletFilter to Solr, and want to give it a unique URL...


obviously, I think the default solr settings should be prudent about
selecting URLs.  The standard configuration should probably map most
things to /select/xxx or /update/xxx.

...we could put it earlier in the processing chain before the existing
ServletFilter, but then we break any users that have registered a plugin
with the name "bar".

Even if we move this to have a prefix path, we run into the exact same
issue when sometime down the line solr has a default handler mapped to


But, if it ever becomes a problem, we can add an "excludes" pattern to
the filter-config that would  skip processing even if it maps to a
known handler.

more short term: if there is no prefix that the ervletFilter requires,
then supporting the legacy "http://host:9999/solr/update"; and
"http://host:9999/solr/select"; URLs becomes harder,

I don't think /update or /select need to be legacy URLs.  They can
(and should) continue work as they currently do using a new framework.

The reason I was suggesting that the Handler interface adds support to
ask for the default RequestParser and/or ResponseWriter is to support
this exact issue.  (However in the case of path="/select" the filter
would need to get the handler from ?qt=xxx)

- - - - -

All that said, this could just as cleanly map everything to:


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