: While we are on the subject of continuous integration, does anyone think that
: we should also do so for Lucene and Solr?  Doing so we give us a heads-up if
: changes in Lucene breaks Solr.

the current nightly solr builds may not be "continuous" but they are
rgular, and they will fail and complain if there are any build/test
failures in Solr.  rigging up a seperate recuring build that allways uses
the latest lucene nightly build is an interesting idea ... but if Lucene
starts doing more frequently releases and treats the trunk as more
unstable (which is the direction it seems to be heading) this may not be
that useful.

Of course: if/when that happens, Solr will probably want to stop using
nightly builds of lucene anyway, and only rev when their official point

: Bill
: On 1/22/07, Bertrand Delacretaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: > On 1/22/07, Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: >
: > > ...I don't know much about our Solaris zone, so could someone fill me in
: > > on it a bit?...
: >
: > I haven't seen Solr's zone yet, but basically zones are Solaris
: > (virtual) machines where some of us can get root access, so we can
: > install anything there as long as it plays nice with other zones in
: > terms of CPU and memory usage. Currently all of the ASF's zones are
: > sharing a - fairly powerful - physical machine.
: >
: > For example, the Cocoon zone at http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/ runs
: > live demos of Cocoon pulled automatically out of SVN every few hours
: > by crontab scripts, the Continuum continuous integration server, and
: > the Daisy CMS for editing docs.
: >
: > There's more info at http://www.apache.org/dev/solaris-zones.html
: >
: > HTH,
: > -Bertrand
: >


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