On Jan 23, 2007, at 4:52 PM, J.J. Larrea wrote:
In fact, it would probably please too-lazy-to-translate-facet-value- strings front-end coders if there were a way to provide a label for the missing count, e.g.

    <str name="facet.missinglabel">None</str>
<str name="f.author.facet.missinglabel">No authorship indicated</str>

There is much more to facet name mapping for display in the grand scheme of things. I18N is something I'm interested in building into Flare such that facets get returned and looked up for the proper label in the users locale. I think having a missing label feature is unnecessary at this point. We're already on parameter overload as it is, so pushing back on new ones seems prudent.

Or better yet facet.missing itself could be a string rather than a boolean, with the missing count suppressed if it is undefined, null, 'false', or empty, and 'true' enabling it with a null label for reverse compatibility.

It's too risky that the string would correspond with a value in the facet field too, which would cause confusion or even an error if the client was expecting unique values.


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