: IMO, we should strive to be nice and not repeat keys when the
: NamedList is more of the Map variety than the List.

we should try .. but we can't garuntee .. i don't have any compelling
cases where i've needed to reuse the same name, but i've certainly written
plenty of code that puts multiple items in a list that have no name.

: > mechanism from the client code like this one -- using XML really is the
: > safest bet since it's the most expressive of all the formats we currently
: > have)
: JSON responses are smaller and can be quite a bit faster to parse.

i won't argue it's not faster or smaller -- just that it's not as
expressive :)

i'm guessing that if you generated enough JSON markup to be equally
expressive and safe, the size would go up considerably (but still probably
not be as big as XML) and the speed would be affected to some degree as
well -- not to mention the ease of use, accessing the new more complex
JSON structures you would have.


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