On 2/2/07, Yonik Seeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone know how to access the build logs?  I don't know from
> apache infra (except people./minotaur.)

It's on the lucene zone with restricted access.
It might be possible to set something up to copy some stuff to
minotaur on a failure though.

I think this is the relevant portion:

  <testcase classname="org.apache.solr.update.AutoCommitTest"
name="testMaxDocs" time="16.867">
    <failure message="expected:&lt;0&gt; but was:&lt;1&gt;"
 but was:&lt;1&gt;
  <testcase classname="org.apache.solr.update.AutoCommitTest" name="testMaxTime"

Let me know if you need the whole thing or any other files.

Well, the cause is pretty much as I expected.  The autocommit test
expects to be able to add fifteen small documents in less than a
seconds (ie. without triggering autocommit).  Not sure how to make
this robust against severe machine load save increasing the time

Does this happen due to many test suites running at a time?  Is there
any way to modify the scheduling?  It would be nice to not add too
much time to the test suite run--the longer it is, the less
religiously devs will run it.


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