----- Original Message ----
From: Yonik Seeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 2/15/07, Otis Gospodnetic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry, this was meant for Erik (relates to some direct emails).  Now everyone 
> knows my secret desire: 1 Solr to serve N indices with the same config, just 
> a different directory.  I'm thinking Simpy here:
>    http://simpy-index-server/solr/search/erik/links?q=ruby
>    http://simpy-index-server/solr/search/otis/notes?q=recipe
>    http://simpy-index-server/solr/search/otis/links?q=cookies
> Where each of this is really a separate Lucene index: erik's links index, 
> otis' notes index, and otis' links index.

Each user has a separate index???  While this makes for fast search
within a single user, don't you ever need to search across all of them
at once?

OG: Most searches are going against a single user's data, so a separate index 
works well for that.  A separate index is also good to have in case something 
gets foobared - a lot less data to reindex.
OG: A separate index is used for searching across all users.  This index has a 
different structure (fields, analyzer, update rates...)

OG: How hard would it be to add support for multiple indices?  Having 1 Solr 
for N indices + an "index location resolver" would, I think, really allow one 
to scale a number of indices over a number of Solr servers:

client --- http://resolver/search/?q=... ---> resolves  & dispatches to the 
right Solr server --> solrN

Each Solr instance is a front end to a number of indices.  Of course, the 
resolver could be completely internal (in-JVM).

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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