I understand, i will post it to that group

thank you very much

>> ...Yes the Xml formats is understood but there is an to generate these
>> xmls
>> from a data source. These XML feild tags doesnot contain the smae start
>> tags and end tags.
>> like <field name="cat">software</field>
>> and standerd xml writers have xml generated as the same start and end
>> tags....
> IIUC you have "something" that generates XML like
>   <somefield>somedata</somefield>
> And to index it with Solr you'll need something like
>   <field name="somefield">somedata</field>
> If this is what you mean, it's a basic XML generation problem, not a
> Solr problem. You'll have to work with your "something" to either
> configure it to generate a format that Solr can accept, or insert some
> transformation in between, using XSLT or a similar tool.
> -Bertrand
> P.S. such questions really belong to the solr-user list, not solr-dev

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