On 3/7/07, Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Is there any interest in using slf4j (http://www.slf4j.org/) rather
: then forcing folks to use JDK logging?

i'd really rather now .. JDK logging is universal (at least in all JDK
versions Solr supports) and while i have no problem adding dependencies
to SOlr if they allow for really great features, adding a dependency just
for "differnet" logging doesn't make sense to me.

ok - i was just asking to see how you all feel about it.  If I'm the
only one who would like it, its obviously not worth changing.

where you want a paramterized message, but in cases where you are
concerned about the performance of toStringing an object, it's not asking
so much to use log(Level.DEBUG, ...) instead of debug(...)

damn!  I was hoping an esoteric performance argument (that i don't
particularly care about)  would woo you!

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