: Sounds interesting. I am not sure I quite understand what this patch does,
: but if it helps improve the first sort after a commit that would rock :)

the main issue is that Solr currently has no visibility into much of hte
caching done by the underlying Lucene implementation, so it can't
"autowarm" anything ... you as a Solr instance owner can explicitly warm
fields you know you sort on, or fields you know you facet on -- but that
requires keeping that config upto date ... adding an API like this to
Lucene would help make it possible for Solr to do this automaticaly based
on simpler config (ie; declaring an autowarmCount on the new fieldCache)

: results so we can show newest articles/posts first, but currently cannot,
: because of relatively high volume of inserts/commits(15000 new posts pr day
: on our forum).

as i said, if you just want to support sorting on a few fields, you can
configure explicit warming queries that do that sorting (and populate
those caches) in your solrconfig.xml


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