should we consider including this?

I have been using jetty-6.1.2rc3 without problems

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Jetty-support] Stable Release 6.1.2
Date: Wed, 02 May 2007 14:01:39 +1000
From: Greg Wilkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Jetty usage, help & informal support <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Discussion for Jetty development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jetty stable release 6.1.2 is now available via

This release has had many improvements, fixes, optimizations and
stabilization over 6.1.1.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the project and who
have tested the pre-releases and release candidates.

jetty-6.1.2 - 1 May 2007
 + Improved unavailabile handling
 + sendError resets output state
 + Fixed session invalidation error in WadiSessionManager
 + Updated Wadi to version 2.0-M3
 + Added static member definition in WadiSessionManager
 + JETTY-322 fix ajp cpong response and close handling
 + JETTY-324 fix ant plugin
 + JETTY-328 updated jboss

jetty-6.1.2rc5 - 24 April 2007
 + set default keystore for SslSocketConnector
 + removed some compile warnings
 + Allow jsp-file to be / or /*
 + JETTY-305 delayed connection destroy
 + JETTY-309 handle close in multivalue connection fields.
 + JETTY-309 force writable status of endpoints.
 + JETTY-314 fix for possible NPE in Request.isRequestedSessionIdValid

jetty-6.1.2rc4 - 19 April 2007
 + JETTY-294 Fixed authentication reset
 + JETTY-299 handle win32 paths for object naming
 + JETTY-300 removed synchronized on dispatch
 + JETTY-302 correctly parse quoted content encodings
 + JETTY-303 fixed dual reset of generator
 + JETTY-304 Fixed authentication reset

jetty-6.1.2rc3 - 16 April 2007
 + Improved performance and exclusions for TLD scanning
 + MBean properties assume writeable unless marked RO
 + refactor of SessionManager and SessionIdManager for clustering
 + Improvements to allow simple setting of Cache-Control headers
 + AJP redirects https requests correctly
 + Fixed writes of unencoded char arrays.
 + JETTY-283 Parse 206 and 304 responses in client
 + JETTY-285 enable jndi for mvn jetty:run-war and jetty:run-exploded
 + JETTY-289 fixed on binary file upload
 + JETTY-292 Fixed error page handler error pages
 + JETTY-293 fixed NPE on fast init
 + JETTY-294 Response.reset() resets headers as well as content
 + JETTY-295 Optional support of authenticated welcome files
 + JETTY-296 Close direct content inputstreams
 + JETTY-297 Recreate tmp dir on stop/start
 + JETTY-298 Names in JMX ObjectNames for context, servlets and filters

jetty-6.1.2rc2 - 27 March 2007
+ Enable the SharedStoreContextualiser for the WadiSessionManager(Database stor
e for clustering)
 + AJP13 CPING request and CPONG response implemented
 + AJP13 Shutdown Request from peer implemented
 + AJP13 remoteUser, contextPath, servletPath requests implemented
 + Change some JNDI logging to debug level instead of info
 + Update jasper to glassfish tag SJSAS-9_1-B39-RC-14_Mar_2007
 + Optimized multi threaded init on startup servlets
 + Removed unneeded specialized TagLibConfiguration class from maven plugin
 + Refactor Scanner to increase code reuse with maven/ant plugins
 + Added RestFilter for PUT and DELETE from Aleksi Kallio
 + Make annotations work for maven plugin
+ JETTY-125 maven plugin: ensure test dependencies on classpath for <useTestCla
 + JETTY-246 path encode cookies rather than quote
 + JETTY-254 prevent close of jar entry by bad JVMs
 + JETTY-256 fixed isResumed and work around JVM bug
 + JETTY-258 duplicate log message in ServletHandler
 + JETTY-260 Close connector before stop
 + JETTY-262 Allow acceptor thread priority to be adjusted
 + JETTY-263 Added implementation for authorizationType Packets
 + JETTY-265 Only quote cookie values if needed
 + JETTY-266 Fix deadlock with shutdown
 + JETTY-271 ResourceHandler uses resource for MimeType mapping
 + JETTY-272 Activate and Passivate events for sessions
 + JETTY-274 Improve flushing at end of request for blocking
 + JETTY-276 Partial fix for reset/close race
 + JETTY-277 Improved ContextHandlerCollection
 + JETTY-278 Session invalidation delay until no requests
 + JETTY-278 Only unwrap one layer of ServletExceptions
 + JETTY-280 Fixed deadlock with two flushing threads
 + JETTY-284 Fixed stop connector race
+ JETTY-286 isIntegral and isConfidential methods overridden in SslSelectChanne

jetty-6.1.2rc1 - 8 March 2007
 + TagLibConfiguration uses resource input stream
 + Improved handling of early close in AJP
 + add ajp connector jar to jetty-jboss sar
 + Improved Context setters for wadi support
 + fix Dump servlet to handle primitive array types
 + handle comma separated values for the Connection: header
 + Added option to allow null pathInfo within context
 + BoundedThreadPool queues rather than blocks excess jobs.
 + Support null pathInfo option for webservices deployed to jetty/jboss
+ Workaround to call SecurityAssocation.clear() for jboss webservices calls to
 + Ensure jetty/jboss uses servlet-spec classloading order
 + call preDestroy() after servlet/filter destroy()
 + Fix constructor for Constraint to detect wildcard role
 + Added support for lowResourcesIdleTime to SelectChannelConnector
 + JETTY-157 make CGI handle binary data
 + JETTY-175 JDBCUserRealm use getInt instead of getObject
 + JETTY-188 Use timer for session scavaging
 + JETTY-235 default realm name
 + JETTY-242 fix race condition with scavenging sessions when stopping
 + JETTY-244 Fixed UTF-8 buffer overflow
 + JETTY-245 Client API improvements
 + JETTY-246 spaces in cookies
 + JETTY-248 setContentLength after content written
 + JETTY-250 protect attribute enumerations from modification
 + JETTY-252 Fixed stats handling of close connection
 + JETTY-254 prevent close of jar file by bad JVMs

jetty-6.1.2rc0 - 15 February 2007
 + JETTY-223 Fix disassociate of UserPrincipal on dispatches
 + JETTY-226 Fixed SSLEngine close issue
 + JETTY-232 Fixed use of override web.xml
 + JETTY-236 Buffer leak
 + JETTY-237 AJPParser Buffer Data Handling
 + JETTY-238 prevent form truncation
 + Patches from sybase for ClientCertAuthenticator
 + Coma separated cookies
 + Cometd timeout clients

jetty-6.1.2pre1 5 Feb 2007
 + JETTY-224 run build up to process-test before invoking jetty:run
+ Added error handling for incorrect keystore/truststore password in SslSelectC
 + fixed bug with virtual host handling in ContextHandlerCollection
 + added win32service to standard build
 + refactored cometd to be continuation independent
+ allow ResourceHandler to use resource base from an enclosing ContextHandler

jetty-6.1.2pre0 1 Feb 2007
 + Fixed 1.4 method in jetty plus
 + Fixed generation of errors during jsp compilation for jsp-2.1
 + Added cometd jsonp transport from aabeling
 + Added terracotta cluster support for cometd
 + JETTY-213 request.isUserInRole(String) fixed
+ JETTY-215 exclude more transitive dependencies from tomcat jars for jsp-2.0
 + JETTY-216 handle AJP packet fragmentation
 + JETTY-218 handle AJP ssl key size and integer
 + JETTY-219 fixed trailing encoded chars in cookies
 + JETTY-220 fixed AJP content
 + JETTY-222 fix problem parsing faces-config.xml
 + add support for Annotations in servlet, filter and listener sources
 + improved writer buffering
 + moved JSON parser to util to support reuse
 + handle virtual hosts in ContextHandlerCollection
+ enable SslSelectChannelConnector to modify the SslEngine's client authenticat
ion settings

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