Chris Hostetter wrote:
: Essentially, I have:
:   <field name="tag_*"   type="string" ... />
:   <field name="text_*"  type="text"   ... />
: and want:
:   <copyField source="tag_(.*)" dest="text_\1" />

i haven't thought about the underlying impl at all, but from an
API/configuration standpoint one tough issue is that fact that dynamic
fields and the "source" of copyField have always been based on glob style
expressions, switching to regexes to support matching semantics would be
tricky to do while remaining backwards compatible.

How about Mike's other suggestion:
 <copyField regexp="s/(.*)_s/\1_t/" />

this would keep the glob style for "source" and "dest", but use "regex" to transform a sorce -> dest

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