Ryan - just so you know where my current need with this is, it's only in getting field names and types, as well as total documents back. The top terms aren't a need for my projects. So I don't really have any preference on the specifics, other than needing to be able to turn that feature off :)


On May 22, 2007, at 9:56 PM, Ryan McKinley wrote:

Ryan McKinley wrote:
Yonik Seeley wrote:
The whole topTerms thing is exactly the same concept as faceting
with *:* as a base (with perhaps the exception of ignoring deleted
docs by using df?)
Should these parameters be aligned somehow?

Using the faceting implementation would be good too... since you would get the all the caching etc. maybe it can directly use faceting parameters (and implementation) for "topTerms" -- if nothing is specified for "facet.field", it will add all fields (alternatively, normal faceting could support *, but that seems like a bad idea in the general case)
I'll take a look at that and see how it feels...

There are a few show stoppers with that idea.... most notable the faceting implementation needs a solr field. Much of the motivation for the LukeRequestHandler is to inspect an index regardless of what solr thinks about it.

- - - -

How do you imagine the parameters would be aligned?

It could use the same per/field specification:

perhaps it Luke should support:

I'm reluctant to go this route because it makes asking if any we should calculate top terms or not difficut (ok, akward) and i'm not sure it helps that much...

I'll make a JIRA issue with a simple implementation you all can poke at.


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