On 24-May-07, at 12:23 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:

i still don't really know enough about Hudson to have an opinion on
relying on it for nightly builds, but either way i don't think we should
add a link to the nighltys from the site ... Doug's repeated reminders
have engrained in me the importance of not making nightly buidls too
accessible, they should be for "developers" only and we should do nothing
to imply that they are endorsed releases.

The biggest advertisement for the nightlies is that 1.2 is plethorically-referrenced in the wiki <g>.

(Personally: I think we shouldn't save the artifacts at all, just test
that they build correctly and record the revision number -- people can use
"svn checkout -r ####" if they want the "build" for a certain day.)

Nightlies may be unofficial and unendorsed, but they are still quite useful. It would be a shame to require someone to install and grok subversion to play with some upcoming features.


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