: friends i'm new to working on solr. I downloaded the code from incubator but
: i din't get servlet code.

servlet code is located in the src/webapp directory.

: I want to see the code that how it is working  and flowing but when i tried
: it using testharness class it din't work for me..I used the solrconfig.xmland

can you elaborate on "didn't work for me" ... the testharness is just a
class, it requires you to write the code arround it ... what was
your code? what outcome did you expect? what outcome did you get? was
there an exception?  what was the stack trace?

: class.I want to know if i want to run the code and want to trace code where
: should i start it from.

the best way to understand the Solr code base is not to trace every line
of code .. start by looking at the high level APIs, make sure you
understand *conceptually* what things like hte StandardRequestHandler are
doing (even if you don't how the meth'ds it calls work) then you can dig
into the specific mehtods you are interested in.

I recommend anyone who wants to get there hands dirty with the *guts* of
Solr start by writting a few plugins...



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