: Perhaps it is just configuration fatigue, but I was reluctant to make
: another registry ;)  As I had pictured it, an UpdateRequestHandler would
: have a single 'processor' - but i suppose with invariant params, it
: could also pick a shared ProcessorFactory.

oh no no no ... don't get me wrong, i wasn't suggesting we needed another
registry for this, i just think that the factory should be constructed
once by the RequestHandler, and given init options from it's own init
options, something like...

   <requestHandler name="/update/stax" class="...">
     <str name="update.processor.factory">solr.NoopUpdateProcessorFactory</a>
     <lst name="update.processor.args">

  and then StaxUpdateRequestHandler's init method would construct an
instance of NoopUpdateProcessorFactory, assign it to a private variable
processorFactory, and call processorFactory.init with the input from
update.processor.args (which might be null)

then for each request, call processorFactory.getInstance(SolrQueryRequest)
and then call the various process methods on the instance.


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