By taking the Query object returned by "mltquery =;" (line 257)
and "mltquery =;" (line 274) and adding additional
BooleanClauses to it before the respective calls to searcher.getDocList()
(lines 269 & 278), I was hoping to modify the query used to generate the
list of related documents ("response") rather than the MoreLikeThis query
itself ("match").

Got it.  sounds good.

It seemed fairly straightforward at first since the modifications did not
require any changes to the Lucene MoreLikeThis system, however
I ran into some problems because the MoreLikeThisHelper class doesn't have
access to the SolrQueryRequest req object from the MoreLikeThisHandler
class, and since my knowledge of Solr internals is limited I was hoping
someone with a bit more experience would be able to provide some guidance.

MoreLikeThisHelper has SolrParams in the constructor -- perhaps it could build the list of additional clauses there and add them in getMoreLikeThis().

Since MoreLikeThis was added since 1.2, we still have a lot of flexibility to change the interface so it can best solve this kind of change.

If you post a JIRA issue, I can review your specific suggestions.


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