Hi Donovan,

This sounds very promising, I've also recently been working on a php solr
client library for use within my organization but the code is not well
documented nor licensed appropriately just yet.  You may note that
eval()-able and serialized php response writers were recently added to svn
trunk (see http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-196 ) so it may be more
efficient to use these rather than converting XML / JSON formatted data.

In terms of licensing, I'm not sure if the new BSD license is compatible
with the Apache 2.0 license (see:
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) that Solr is released
under, this would only be an issue if your php
client was to be included in the  Solr distribution (which would be useful
but not manditory).

I'd be interested to take a look at your client library code, are you
planning to release it soon?


On 17/08/07, Donovan Jimenez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The company I work for recently started using Solr for some of our
> search functionality.  After downloading the files for integrating
> with PHP that the Wiki links to I saw that it wasn't usable for our
> purposes. So, as part of the project, I developed a PHP Solr Client.
> Coming back to the mailing list I see that there was recent talk
> about developing a new PHP client, but as of yet I haven't seen it
> posted - so I hope I'm not stepping on any toes.  I received
> permission from my company to release the code to the community under
> the new BSD license.  The coding style is approximately inline with
> the Zend Framework's standards  (and somewhat PEAR's) and I feel it's
> well documented.
> Client Requirements:
>   - PHP 5 >= 5.2.0 (we developed on 5.2.1) that has the json_decode
> function (available by default as of 5.2) and the XmlReader class
> (enabled by default as of 5.1)
>   - allow_url_fopen php.ini setting must be enabled (defaults to
> enabled)
> We'd love to have the community help us maintain this as Solr
> evolves. Let us know what you think. Thanks.
> - Donovan Jimenez
> For those interested:
> The starting point is the Solr_Service class. From this class you
> have access to all the major functionality of the Solr HTTP service
> (add, delete by id, delete by query, commit, optimize and search).
> Below I've include a sample of the client's API for searching:
> <?php
> require_once('Solr/Service.php');
> $start = microtime(true);
> $solr = new Solr_Service(); //Or explicitly new Solr_Service
> ('localhost', 8180, '/solr');
> try
> {
>          $response = $solr->search('solr', 0, 10,
>                  array(/* you can include other parameters here */));
>          echo 'search returned with status = ', $response-
> >responseHeader->status,
>                  ' and took ', microtime(true) - $start, ' seconds',
> "\n";
>          //here's how you would access results
>          //Notice that I've mapped the values by name into a tree of
> stdClass objects
>          //and arrays (actually most of this is done by json_decode
> if the response is
>          //in json format - done by an XmlReader loop if its XML)
>          if ($response->response->numFound > 0)
>          {
>                  $doc_number = $response->response->start;
>                  foreach ($response->response->docs as $doc)
>                  {
>                          $doc_number++;
>                          echo $doc_number, ': ', $doc->text, "\n";
>                  }
>          }
>          //for the purposes of seeing the available structure of the
> response
>          //NOTE: Solr_Response::_parsedData is lazy loaded, so a
> print_r on the response before
>          //any values are accessed may result in different behavior
> (in case
>          //anyone has some troubles debugging)
>          //print_r($response);
> }
> catch (Exception $e)
> {
>          echo $e->getMessage(), "\n";
> }
> ?>

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