: - Solr still uses it's own FunctionQuery instead of what was added
: back to Lucene.  May want to migrate first, or may want to hold off if
: changes are needed that would be easier to make here.

i haven't had a chacne to look at it yet, but i noticed Jira kick out an 
email recently about a patch being added to SOLR-192 ... probably worth 
reviewing as you consider this.

: - I thought about being able to include queries as a ValueSource (so
: one could do functions on  relevancy scores).  One issue with this is
: that some queries need rewriting to work... so rewrite functionality
: would need to be added to ValueSource.

not neccessarily ... the getValues(IndexReader) method already sort of 
serves the purpose of rewrite ... a "QueryValueSource" class could 
rewrite the query in it's getValues method and use the resulting 
query/weight/scorer in the DocValues object it returns.

: - some field values may be sparse... so if you multiplied the
: relevancy query by field "myscore" which only existed on a few
: documents, you would not want to multiply the scores for other
: documents by 0.  So either

this sems like the kind of thing that could best be dealt with in 
something like FieldValueSource -- where the underlying ValueSource 
getting the field value decides what value to use if the doc doesn't have 


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