: So, where that leaves us is that i (or someone else in the "confluence-admin"
: group, but no one else in that group is a Lucene'r so let's not bug them) need
: to add people to groups *after* they/you create a Conflucene account...
:     http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/signup.action

Ryan, Bill, and Yonik are now in asf-cla, solr-admins, solr-committers, 
and solr-users ... i'm guessing in the long run we won't really need 
solr-admins or solr-users but infra created them so they're there for now.

I also discovered that i have the ability to add other people to 
"confluence-administrators" so I added Yonik to that as well ... now two 
people on the Lucene PMC can edit group membership for people (not just 
me ... which reduces the "getting hit by a bus" risk)

FYI: the really interesting stuff is when you click "Browse Space" and 
then "Space Admin" .... from there "Permissions" is where you can control 
what users/groups can do what (but not who is in what groups)

(Yonik: to add people to groups start with the "Administration" link that 
should show up for you near the "Log Out" link at the top right)


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