You will either want to do something with a custom RequestHandler, or plug into the UpdateRequestProcessor framework

On the search/retrieval side, you will probably want to implement a SearchComponent to fill in the stored fields:  (wiki page *way* out of date)

Both of these are 1.3-dev features....


Ben Incani wrote:
Hi Solr Developers,

I would like to implement an external document storage system using

Currently I am building lucene indexes with Solr and creating a binary
field, which is used to store a document.  I would like to extend this
implementation by storing the document in an external container system
(independent of Solr) using a simple file system mechanism or a more
robust solution like Jackrabbit.

Presently I am using Solr plug-ins to create additional field types,
which implement the binary storage system, but would like to know what
would be the best method to extend Solr to redirect insertions (add
requests) to an external storage system?



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