Hi all,

 I've written a user interface for Solr (Spring web application) which I'd be
willing to donate if people are interested.

You can see a demo here http://larsko.dyndns.org:8080/solr-ui/search.html, SVN
repository is here http://larsko.dyndns.org/svn/solr-ui/. Note in particular
http://larsko.dyndns.org/svn/solr-ui/documentation/manual.pdf for a short
manual. Please be patient, the server this is running on doesn't have a lot of
processing power or upstream bandwidth ;)

The purpose of adding this user interface to Solr would be twofold; first, serve
as a demonstration of Solr's capabilities (running on a server linked to from
the website, probably like the demo above), and second, give people a starting
point/inspiration for implementing their own user interfaces.

The special feature is that it supports some form of hierarchical faceting
(explained in the manual). The data the demo searches comes from the wikipedia
selection for schools. The subject index pages are used to build the hierarchy.

Let me know what you think.



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