A rose by any other name, is still the same, eh? That being said, if it helps people in Solr adoption and makes them feel more comfortable using it, it's fine by me.

Not sure if we want to make the rev so prominent, might be a little confusing when 2.4.0 or 2.4.1 comes out. We could have 2.4.0 and 2.4.685641. Should we put an "r" in front of it? 2.4.r685641 or is that just going throw people back under the bus in terms of management's "no unreleased" jars mentality, even if they are, officially released artifacts of the ASF?

On Aug 13, 2008, at 10:08 AM, Ryan McKinley wrote:

(moved to solr-dev)

Maybe we should call it lucene-2.4-solr.jar so as to drop the word dev from it.


or: lucene-2.4-${revision}-solr.jar? that way it is easy to tell what svn version it came from

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