: Because the maven artifacts are part of packaging for release.  People who
: don't want them can run "create-package", or we could call it core-package.  I

The problem i have is that up until now, anyone that wanted to 
checkou the source and build it could run "ant package" and get a nice 
zip file and a tar ball ... now people who do that get an error that they 
need maven extensions to ant -- that shouldn't required if they don't care 
about maven.

Telling people to run "ant create-package" instead isn't that hard is 
suppose, but if that's the way things are going to be then, let's change 
"ant usage" to reflect reality.

I really just don't really understand why "ant package" needed to change 
at all?   Why not just add a "maven-packages" target that depends on 
"package" for people that want maven packaging?

: just thought for release purposes it's easier to just call one target that has
: it all.

If that's the main reason for setting things up this way, i'd rather add a 
new "release" target then modify the "package" target ... there's no 
reason to break things for existing users who don't care about maven.

: The bigger ? in my mind is why do we have two different nightly builds?
: Hudson and crontab.

well in theory the crontab shell script is the "sanctioned" nightly builds 
that get copied to people.apache.org and are linked to from the website
... the Hudson stuff was initially setup as an experiment.  We've 
discussed at least once in the past eliminating the crontab based builds, 
but they've caught problems just like this one before (ie: slightly 
different environments getting idfferent problems because the build files 
get tweaked)


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