Agreed. It was the simplest thing to do at the time, but it would definitely be preferrable to offer the much faster lesser levels of compression.


On 3-Sep-08, at 8:57 AM, Grant Ingersoll wrote:

Thinking about , it occurred to me that we probably should refactor Solr's offering of compression. Currently, we rely on Field.COMPRESS from Lucene, but this really isn't considered best practice, see , because it only offers the highest level of compression, which is also the slowest.

Obviously, Solr needs to handle the compression on the server side. I think we should have Solr do the compression, allowing users to set the level of compression (maybe even make it pluggable to put in your own compression techniques) and then just use Lucene's binary field capability. Granted, this is lower priority since I doubt many people use compression to begin with, but, still it would be useful.


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