> It looks like all of the "client" directory is now included...

This is true after SOLR-510 was resolved.

> including "python" which we don't even know works with trunk.  Also,

If we need to remove python client from release,
we could reopen SOLR-510 and test the patch:

- includes="LICENSE.txt NOTICE.txt *.txt *.xml lib/** src/** example/** client/**" + includes="LICENSE.txt NOTICE.txt *.txt *.xml lib/** src/** example/** client/java/** client/ruby/**"

> should "ruby" be included and is it in shape to do so (I assume Erik
> or Koji would need to verify that part of the release), and does it's
> release structure look OK (not too much or too little included, etc)?

I'd verified that "rake test" under branch-1.3/client/ruby/solr-ruby
successfully done, but I have not tested flare.
Regarding release structure, I don't have much time to look into details...
I'd like to hear comment from Erik :-)


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