Lukáš Vlček wrote:
I am glad you like the draft#1 (and actually I think the second design is
not totally lost, just wipe out the Apache letters and you get it). But the
problem is that the draft#1 (as it is today) would not make it into the
contest due to violation of the strongest requirement:
The logo must incorporate the full project name: Apache Solr
That is the assigment (
You can try to push the contest organizers, not me...
How about a layout like this one (hopefully the ascii art makes it
through email ...):
,--. A p a c h e
|__ \"|"/ + ,-+
| - O - | |_/
"--' /,|.\ +-- | \
Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki <><
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[__ || __|__/|__||\/| Information Retrieval, Semantic Web
___|||__|| \| || | Embedded Unix, System Integration Contact: info at sigram dot com