
I can't believe this idea received no replies!  I wonder how many companies are 
already doing what Mark described here. ;)

In any case, I think this is HUGE.  If you believe any of the enterprise search 
pundits, these connectors are essential to get Solr to be recognized as 
"enterprise ready".

Sematext -- http://sematext.com/ -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch

----- Original Message ----
> From: mark harwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: solr-dev@lucene.apache.org
> Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 8:24:40 AM
> Subject: Idea: Add Documentum/Sharepoint/FileNet etc connectivity by 
> emulating a Google Search Appliance's feed interface
> Google open-sourced (Apache license) the framework it uses for getting 
> content 
> from a number of document repositories into a Google Search Appliance (their 
> hardware+software solution for enterprise search).
> My suggestion is that Solr could also make use of these connectors simply by 
> opening a port that honours the wire-protocol that is used to feed content 
> into 
> a Google Search Appliance (architecture overview is here: 
> http://tinyurl.com/4puke8 ). You can see how connectors push data in the 
> "sendData" method in "GsaFeedConnection" in the connector manager framework 
> (source here:  http://tinyurl.com/49cehd ).
> Before a connector starts pushing content it needs to be configured and the 
> Google Search Appliance admin screens are used to set this up. The GSA 
> appliance 
> has some form of conversation with connectors to understand what properties 
> need 
> setting and to set them but this again could be added with Solr providing an 
> equivalent admin screen driven by the same information provided by connectors.
> The other form of conversation conducted is around authentication when query 
> results are about to be presented to users.
> This isn't something I have any time to work on but it seems like an 
> interesting 
> project so I thought I'd mention it in case anyone here has the time or 
> interest 
> in pursuing it.
> It would open Solr up to some new environments by making use of existing 
> connectors provided by some large commercial organisations.
> Cheers,
> Mark

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