I'm getting back into the SolrJS/Velocity world and just wanted to
toss out some thoughts:
On trunk, the Solr demo works by just opening contrib/javascript/
example/testClientside.html - not bad! :)
It is, however, making two requests to render the page:
Nov 22, 2008 4:39:06 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/select
hits=28 status=0 QTime=1
Nov 22, 2008 4:39:06 AM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/select
hits=28 status=0 QTime=1
While I'm sure this is complicated stuff, it would be ideal if the
SolrJS "manager" could somehow be involved to minimize the calls made
to the server. Each widget will want to somehow register itself and
add any additional parameters and be alerted when data changes somehow
too, it seems. Or a widget might be standalone and require it's own
calls to Solr as well, independently of grouped widgets that interact
together. I'm new to the guts of SolrJS though, so maybe it already
is ahead of me here?
I mentioned this early on, but I guess it never got factored into
SolrJS, the URL to send to Solr needs to be considered these three
separate pieces... base URL (http://localhost:8983/solr), request
handler path (/select, for example), and parameters (?
q=*:*&facet=true&facet.field=cat). Right now SolrJS considers the
base URL and request handler path as one unit:
solrjsManager = new $sj.solrjs.Manager({solrUrl:"http://localhost:8983/solr/select
We'll want the base URL to be used with various request handlers. For
example, I have one to generate SIMILE Timeline XML like this:
<requestHandler name="/timeline.xml" class="solr.SearchHandler"
<lst name="defaults">
<str name="defType">dismax</str>
<str name="q.alt">*:*</str>
<str name="rows">10</str>
<str name="fl">*,score</str>
<str name="qf">
content subject^2
<lst name="invariants">
<str name="wt">xslt</str>
<str name="tr">timeline.xsl</str>
So I'll want a SolrJS Timeline widget that can request to ${base.url}/
However, it is worth noting that a /select?qt=/timeline.xml would work
too - but I think it'd be wiser to not leverage this "backdoor" to
request handler routing.
Maybe I'm being too particular about URLs? But I don't think we want
to rely on /select being there, do we?
That's the stuff off the top of my head for now. More later as I
hopefully have more time to work with SolrJS for real.