  - we need a "blocking cache" to avoid more than one thread
attempting to generate, but that can be done outside the SolrCache for
  - prob want to expose the statistics collected... (see logging
output of new faceting stuff)
  - might want a way to dynamically add caches.. but for now adding a
"magic" facetCache that exists even when not on solrconfig.xml is prob
easiest (the current solr caches do not get instantiated if they are
not in solrconfig.xml - they are seen as optional).


On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 6:27 PM, Chris Hostetter
> recent wiki updates have be looking at UnInvertedField for the first time (i
> haven't been very good at keeping up with commits the last few months) and
> i'm wondering about the use of a "static Cache multiValuedFieldCache" keyed
> off of SolrIndexSearcher.
> Lucene-Java is trying to move away from this pattern in FieldCache, and in
> Solr we already have a nice and robust cache mechanism on each
> SolrIndexSearcher -- that includes the possibility of doing auto-warming via
> regenerators -- so why don't we suse that for UnInvertedField?
> suggested changes...
> 1) add a new "special" (as opposed to "user") SolrCache instance named
> "facetCache" to SolrIndexSearcher (just like filterCache and
> queryResultCache) where the key is a field name and the value is an
> UnInvertedField instance.
> 2) I think the way the "special" caches are initialized they eist with
> defaults even if they aren't declared in solrconfig.xml, but if i'm wrong we
> should consier making facetCache work that way.
> 2) add a regenerator for facetCache (relatively trivial)
> 3) remove all of the static cashing code from UnInvertedField
>        thoughts?
> -Hoss

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