On Dec 9, 2008, at 2:00 AM, Chris Hostetter wrote:

:      [exec] can't stub ArabicNormalizationFilter
:      [exec] can't stub ArabicStemFilter

...those messages are because those Filter's don't have public
constructors ... i must be really tired because i can't for the life of me understand how the manually made Factories you checked in are working in
spite of this.

I updated them to be public and checked in a new Lucene jar. You probably didn't do a full svn up.

:      [exec] Can't find java files for...

some of that is because the CharStreamAware*Factories we already had
didn't declare a specific return type, and some of that was because i
aparently botched the ignore regex for the Sink and Tee fitlers

I've committed a few error message fixes to the script (r724624) and made all the factories have specific return types (r724625) as well as adding
the ASCII Filter (r724626)


(I really don't understand those Arabic Filters without public
constructors though.)

It's all magic ;-)  Nothing to see here, please move along!


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