bq. Shouldn't it be possible to force replication of at least *some* of the
config files even if the index hasn't changed?
Indeed. Perhaps another call? forceIndexFetch? it replicates configs whether
the index has changed or not, but wouldn't replicate the index if it didn't
need to?

Or a separate call altogether? fetchConfig, that just updates the configs?

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Otis Gospodnetic <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Shouldn't it be possible to force replication of at least *some* of the
> config files even if the index hasn't changed?
> (see Paul Noble's comment on 
> the 4-message thread)
> Here is a use case:
> * Index is mostly static (nightly updates)
> * elevate.xml needs to be changed throughout the day
> * elevate.xml needs to be pushed to slaves and solr needs to reload it
> This is currently not possible because replication will happen only if the
> index changed in some way.  You can't force a commit to fake index change.
>  So one has to either:
> * add/delete dummy docs on master to force index change
> * write an external script that copies the config file to slaves
> Shouldn't it be possible to force replication of at least *some* of the
> config files even if the index hasn't changed?
> Thanks,
> Otis
> --
> Sematext -- -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch

- Mark

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