I was thinking of the method described in SOLR-1305.

Yes, near realtime replication will most likely be a different modality.

2009/7/22 Noble Paul നോബിള്‍  नोब्ळ् <noble.p...@corp.aol.com>:
> There is an issue already created for realtime replication
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-982
> In general push based replication is more error prone because the
> master has to be aware of the state of each slave . it is difficault
> because a slave may go down at any time and may come up later or new
> slaves get added randomly. In a pull based replication the master is
> agnostic of the slaves and a slave can easily know his current state
> and take appropriate action.
> We can take a middle path. The slaves can register with the master for
> notifications for availability of new snapshots. This can be as good
> as a push based replication without the complexities associated with
> it.
> I have raised as issue already https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-1305
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 2:58 AM, Jason
> Rutherglen<jason.rutherg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It would be useful to push snapshots as they are created from
>> the master to the slaves. I prefer this approach to constant
>> polling by slaves. Partially because the timing could be off on
>> the slave servers, the data is replicated, and the user sees
>> different snapshots?
>> Something like a virtual 2 phase commit, where phase 1 is
>> replicate the new snapshots and load the searcher, phase two is
>> all slaves synchronously expose the new searcher. I'm also
>> wondering how we'll handle synchronous slaves with near realtime
>> search.
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Noble Paul | Principal Engineer| AOL | http://aol.com

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