On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Grant Ingersoll<gsing...@apache.org> wrote:
>  If I say
> String.substring().length(), I wouldn't expect the length returned to be the
> same as the parent (unless of course the substring requested is the identity
> one), so I'm not sure why DocSlice.subset does.

.size() should reflect the new size.
.matches() always reflects the total number of matches that this
DocList is a window into.

> Likewise for the maxScore,
> etc.
> Is there a reason why, if I know I have a DocSlice, I can't cast the docList
> to it and make some of these lower level changes to the member variables?
>  It would be a lot more efficient than having to copy over all the docs,
> etc. to a new DocSlice.

Just make a new DocSlice - one shouldn't be modifying these since they
can be cached.


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