On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 2:33 AM, Chris Hostetter
<hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:
> Whoa ... Typos are nothing new to the Solr documentation, but i think
> this is the first time I've been the one to notice a type in something
> someone else wrote...
> : +    We can facet multile ways at the same time.  The following example 
> adds in a facet on the

Heh... I had even spell-checked it... but that still requires a visual
scan for misspellings :-)

> Also, the URLs in the highlighting & faceting sections are a little
> confusing...
> : +    <a 
> href="http://localhost:8983/solr/select/?wt=json&amp;indent=on&amp;q=*:*&amp;fl=name&amp;facet=true&amp;facet.field=cat&amp;facet.field=inStock";>q=*:*&amp;facet=true&amp;facet.field=cat&amp;facet.field=inStock</a>
> ...the href's all contain "wt=json&indent=on" but the visible text
> doesn't, which makes it kind of suprising when you click on them since all
> the previous examples have produced an XML response

These are realy URL fragments... none of the other examples show the
indent=on or the rest of the URL either, and when we get down to
faceting, the "fl" is also hidden.  Showing all of the parameters
would serve to obscure the important ones that are pertinent to the

Surprising, yes... but not in a bad way I think.  It's not the type of
API surprise that causes bugs, and it should be immediately obvious
when they look at the URL.

> (except for one which
> has "wt=json" in the text and explicit says "(return response in JSON
> format)" next to it.

As you point out, the wt=json parameter was explicitly presented
earlier, so it seems fair game for not calling it out explicitly.

> If people think the json output is easier to read, then i'm cool with
> using it, but the link text should match the link href.

JSON prevents highlighter markup from being escaped... didn't want
anyone seeing &lt;em&gt;
The other benefit is vertical size - the XML format often consumed
enough that the extra response info (highlighting or faceting) was
pushed completely off the page, and would require the user to scroll
down to see the start of it.


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