On Jan 12, 2010, at 7:09 AM, Grant Ingersoll wrote:

On Jan 12, 2010, at 5:45 AM, Erik Hatcher wrote:

Hey gang,

I'd like to put an image and link to our LucidWorks for Solr Certified Distro Reference Guide on the Solr front page, and wondering if there were any objections.

To toss out my only objection with my Apache hat on (yes, I'm really wearing it!), the reference guide isn't strictly about *Apache* Solr, it's about our distro of it. So there is just a little bit more than in the distro (like kstem, tomcat). But then again, the Packt book* has more than what's in Solr 1.4 too (localsolr, field collapsing).

It also has other things, though, too. Like it comes w/ Tomcat and runs on a different port.

It actually doesn't run on a different port currently. As far as I know, our distro is fixed to 8983 at the moment.

Here's a link to our reference guide, that includes the image I'd use too: <http://www.lucidimagination.com/Downloads/LucidWorks-for-Solr/Reference-Guide >

If there are no objections, I'll add it sometime this week.

I guess as long as our policy is that everyone who has a book/ref guide (which was stated back in the Packt discussion) gets added (assuming they submit a patch) then I have no objections. I do worry that people will start asking questions about LucidWorks on solr-user@, which I'm not sure is appropriate, so we should monitor that fairly carefully.

Yeah, we're already seeing that with KStem and such. Not a big deal though, we just gently redirect where appropriate.

Also, that left hand column is going to start getting cluttered once you add in Lucid's Ref Guide and presumably Otis and Shalin's Solr In Action. So then people will start saying "why can't my book be on top..."

I think it may also be worth, with all the books, noting that the ASF/Solr community makes no endorsements about any of the 3rd party guides.

Yeah, nothing other communities haven't faced already too though.

While it is a bit delicate to blend the commercial and book side of open source here, it's also what makes it tick much stronger too. So highlighting the books really helps out the community.


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