On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 1:17 AM, Chris Hostetter
<hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:
> : Right... for stock Solr usage (i.e. as long as they don't try to lock
> : the same thing.)
> : It is funny that native locks always work across different processes,
> : but not always in the same JVM though.
> Actaully, the more i think about this the less i understand it ... why
> don't native locks "work" within the same VM? ... and by "work" i mean why
> didn't he just get a lock timeout error?

Within the same VM, you need the same FileChannel for some reason.
Lucene uses a static hashmap so that multiple NativeFSLockFactory
instances will end up using the same FileChannel for locking.  But
multiple webapps obviously breaks that.


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