Please Use "solr-u...@lucene" Not "solr-...@lucene"

Your question is better suited for the solr-u...@lucene mailing list ...
not the solr-...@lucene list.  solr-dev is for discussing development of
the internals of the Solr application ... it is *not* the appropriate
place to ask questions about how to use Solr (or write Solr plugins) 
when developing your own applications.  Please resend your message to
the solr-user mailing list, where you are likely to get more/better
responses since that list also has a larger number of subscribers.

: Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 17:13:51 +0100
: From: David Rühr <>
: Reply-To:
: To:
: Subject: Problem with German Wordendings
: Hi List.
: We have made a suggest search and send this query with a facet.prefix
: "kinderzim":
: facet=on&
: facet.prefix=kinderzim
: facet.mincount=1&
: facet.field=content&
: facet.limit=10&
: fl=content&
: omitHeader=true&
: bf=log%28supplier_faktor%29&
: version=1.2&
: wt=json&
: q=&
: start=0&
: rows=0
: Now we get:
: <lst name="content">
:  <int name="kinderzimm">7</int>
: </lst>
: SolR doesn't return the endings of the output Words. It must be "kinderzimmer"
: same with "kindermode", we get "kindermod".
: We add the words in our protwords.txt and include them with this line in
: schema.xml.
: <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="German"
: protected="protwords.txt"/>
: Can anybody help us?
: Thanks and sorry about my english.
: So Long , David


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