
Look at 

Notice the f.cat.facet.missing=true parameter. This lets you address
fields separately.

This query find documents with no value for a field: *:*+-field:[* TO *]

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 6:40 PM, Seffie Schwartz <yschw...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi -
> How do I facet on two fields at the same time -  If I were using a data base 
> I would say -
> select a,b,count(*) from mytable group by a,b order by count(*) desc.
> How could I do the same with faceting.  I know that I can facet on a 
> separately and b separately but how do
> I do a & b.
> Another question -
> If I had two tables in my relational data base - For example I have an 
> organization and an employee table in my data base.  I join the tables
> and flatten them.  Then I index them into solr.  How could I know if there 
> are any organizations without employees in solr?  In a data base I would
> do a left join.
> Thanks.  Seffie Schwartz.

Lance Norskog

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